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The Podcast.

I don’t know about you but reproductive health for me between my teenage and young adult years consisted of period + pregnancy. I wanted to make sure that my period arrived (not pregnant) and that my spot checks always came back clean. 

In my mid-20s, however, I discovered I had large ovarian cysts and subsequently was diagnosed with endometriosis. I knew nothing about ovarian cysts, fibroids, endometriosis or any of the other reproductive health issues women may experience before menopause hits. The thoughts, decisions, procedures, and surgeries I experienced in the days, months, and years following my initial diagnosis sparked OVAREACTION - how a woman reacts - her thoughts, feelings, decisions, and actions - to a matter involving her reproductive health. 

The podcast is a safe space for women of color to share their stories, vulnerabilities, as well as their triumphs and victories. As a single black woman who has gone through a great deal of this journey alone, I have a special place for my single sisters who experience the highs and lows of reproductive health and may have to make hard decisions on their own.  

Join me and this community as we share our OVAREACTION to educate and encourage women to stand firm in their decisions and confidently in their story.


I want to hear from you! Share your story, your questions and/or your feelings about your reproductive health journey and I will share them on the podcast. Anonymously if you choose.